Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Humans of WHoB

All Characters are only changeable by their owners
Name: Sanja
Nickname: San
Age: 14
Gender: Girl
Hair color: Bronze
Eye color: Jade
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Girl hoping to be a rider
Personality: Sonja is brave and sweet. She is gentle and quiet and loves the winged horses. She has been drawing them forever. She has always wanted to ride them. She also loves boys and relationships. She doesn't like fast drops though. Like on a roller coaster when you reach the top and then drop suddenly. This is the only thing that has stopped her from entering her name into the raffle bowl for becoming a rider.
Played by: hc1600
Riding: Titanium

Name: Callista
Age: 13
Gender: female
Hair color: Copper, and worn in long curls, always flying loose
Eye color: Clear blue
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Hoping to be a rider
Personality: Bright, and with very quick reflexes. She is a bit of a daredevil, but she's also very hardworking. She has a tough time listening and being serious sometimes, but she knows not to take too many risks, and how to keep herself safe. She's very outgoing and also a bit stubborn, or determined, as she likes to call it.
Played by: weezapony
Riding: Comet

Name: Ashley
Nickname: Ash
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue-green
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Hoping to be a rider
Personality: Bubbly and fun but wants to be the best at what she does, and if she cares about it, won't rest until she is. She's a bit of a daredevil, but isn't dangerous, just likes having fun in more inventive ways.
Played by: Dashwood
Riding: Bird

Name: Alex Flynn
Nickname: Alex
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Role: Rider in training
Personality: Kind, sweet, bubbly
Played by: Hakuna Matata
Riding: Morgenstern

Name: Danny Takon
Nickname: Danny or Tak
Hair color:Albino white, and falls to his shoulders
Eye color:Blue with golden flecks
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): hoping to be a rider
Personality:Can be snappy, but has a kind heart. In tough situations, he tends to be pessimistic, yet heroic. He'll save you, but he'll complain the whole time.
Played by: Weber98
Riding: Blitzen

Name:Cameron Dragwood
Gender: Male
Hair color:Golden Blond
Eye color:Green
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wanted to be a rider, but wasn't chosen.
Personality:Kind, caring, generally the opposite of Danny, but still brave.
Other: He's Danny's best friend.
Played by: Weber98
Not riding.

All Characters below are subject to change depending on who's playing them.
Nickname: Cee- Cee
Age: 15
Gender: Girl
Hair color: Blond and curly
Eye color: Green
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Bratty and selfish. Very vain.
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)
Riding: Crème

Name: Paul
Nickname: Paul
Age: 16
Gender: Boy
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Sweet, quiet, caring.
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)

Riding: Silver

Name: Megan
Nickname: Meg
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Can be bratty, but is fun and lively. 
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)

Riding: Ignis

Name: Sara
Nickname: Sara
Age: 17
Gender: Girl
Hair Color: Mouse grey and short
Eye Color: Blue
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Flirt, and girly.
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)

Riding: Ten

Name: Robert
Nickname: Rob
Age: 16
Gender: Boy
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Dare devil, rule breaker
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)

Riding: Arizona

Name: Nicholas
Nickname: Nick
Age: 18
Gender: Boy
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye Color: Grey
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Perverted, annoying, stupid
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)

Riding: Comet

Name: Tessa
Nickname: Tess
Age: 14
Gender: Girl
Hair Color: Brown and poofy
Eye Color: Hazel
Role(towns person, training to be a rider, been a rider, etc..): Wants to be a rider
Personality: Role play it out
Played by: hc1600 (can be changed)

Riding: Blue


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